Birthday Parties
This is a great opportunity for anybody to experience what a “Karate” themed Birthday Party is like. Unlike other birthday parties, we incorporate the learned material of the specific student into a fun class with their chosen attendees. This is a great occasion for our students to share their experience of their karate world with their closest friends. Birthday Parties run for 1.5 hours, in which we include, a Karate lesson, Fun Martial Arts Drills, Games, Piñata, and specific activities depending on your request. We love when our students take this chance to become a teacher themselves and teach their friends all they have worked hard to learn in Karate.
45 Minutes = Informal Karate Lesson/ Fun Karate Drills & Games
45 Minutes = Pizza, Cake, Piñata
We provide our facility and a table with standard table cloth.
This package includes up to 20 attendees. $15 per additional attendee.
We help set up, and clean up!